The thoughts, reflections, rants, raves, on my life; The life of a Christian, black, gay, male.

This is the deal. No $@$% cussing for a @$%%$# week. This seems pretty harmless but, is it?

MaKay Hatch teenager from South Pasadena started this no cussing club The NCC (hmm I wonder if the FCC will give this kid a job in the future) in 2007 and it is fast becoming a Juggernaut. I can partially understand the allure of such and institution for the teenage mind. Not being “one of them” and being “one of us” is lets face it what most peoples teenage experience is all about. The need and desire to “fit in” is just as great a pull as the desire to “stick out” and rebel. In highschool (and in college) most had their cliques whether it be jocks, stoners, Goths (showing my age, they are called the “EMO” kids now) and yes even the loners.

Studies have been done that say the “highschool” structure as we know it in America does very little for actual education and more for social development. (honestly there were so many articles that I’m just going to post one of the googel search links http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1B2RNFA_enUS309US309&pwst=1&ei=9VysSejWK5KWsQOIj73RBA&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=high+school+education+vs+social+development&spell=1)

Here we have a group that is priding itself on conformity, control of self and others rather than freedom of expression (that sound familiar) In the groups oath one of its lines states

“Clean language is the sign of intelligence and always demands respect.” (http://www.nocussing.com/aboutncc/thenocussingchallenge.html)

While this might have been true in some Victorian or Judeo Christian era how true is this today? Some of our “intellectuals” such as Mark Twain and Percy Bysshe Shelley professed their feeling of the so called foul sentiments (http://www.quotesdaddy.com/quote/1040204/mark-twain/under-certain-circumstances-profanity-provides-a-relief) now if we were to agree with this edict of the NCC logic tells us that this young man of 19 years now is wiser and more experienced and expert on the recognition of mental prowess then the two mention above. Having never met the young man I can not argue for nor against this but I would have to say it is highly unlikely. What goes deeper is that fact that a major “American” city has recognized these sentiments worthy for all of its citizens (at least for a week that is) and that is where I have a problem.

This is AMERICA not some socialist or communistic country where the tools of the populous control go as deeply as to try and (intentionally) control the thought of its citizens. The NCC recognizes as anyone that pops open a psychology book or magazine does that to some extent a person using words of their own free will can in a small way show a portion of their personality and even a smaller portion of their mind. Where as a psychologist will tell you that a persons words and speech only reflects their regional environment and choice of expression (not intelligence) (http://www.pbs.org/speak/) the NCC says

Your words become your thoughts.
Your thoughts become your behavior.
Your behavior becomes your character.
Your character becomes your destiny.”


It is very disheartening to think about institutionalized control that in my mind harkens back to the methods used to enslave the minds of slaves stating that the first thing to do is take away the slaves native language. When unable to communicate with his/her native people the slave has no choice but to listen to the slave owner. When this is established the slave will use the words that the slave owner tells him/her to use because he/she has no other words to use. When the control of language is established then the control of though follows because of the fact that now the slave has to think about what he/she says before he/she says it. If then you have control of thought you then gain control of behavior. If the slave has to think about what he/she is saying is or is not proper then he/she will have to think about if his/her behavior is proper and instead of seeking this chastisement from with-in self he/she seeks it from the slave owner there by effectively enslaving the mind

This is America. While I would not want anyone cursing and using foul language around my four year old nephew; the very FIRST amendment to this nation’s constitution gives me and everyone else that right and that choice (http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.billofrights.html). While Mr. Hatch and his NCC, FCC (this kid so has a job in the future) and others around this nation might have a problem with words like





Or any others that are on a short list (http://www.lyricsbox.com/george-carlin-lyrics-the-seven-words-you-can-never-say-on-tv-268qwb7.html) we are given the right (first by god or gods, or the universe whatever you want to call it. I all it “inalienable” then recognized by man) to choose to say them or not. If this campaign continues its mission according to Mr. Hatch will be to take this world wide (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gZMJ7UTfpn7aWJwv5leLqIt6oIFQD96LEN080) a lofty goal but who are we (America or any one individual for that matter) to tell anyone what they should and should not say? That is a mater so personal and so private to me (and apparently to the founding fathers of this nation) it is just like telling someone to whom they can and can not pray to and what they can or can not pray about or even if they are allowed to pray at all.

This is not a full blown outrage but this does raise a lot of concern for me. We in America like the saying

“out of the mouths of babe’s” and

“A child shall lead the way.” But where is this child leading us? The way that I see it this child is leading us astray from our core values as American citizens with the RIGHT to freely express HOWEVER we may feel at a given time under the guise of pseudo intellectualism and the promises of being apart of the “group” at the sacrifice personal rights and freedoms and even ourselves.

http://www.maniacworld.com/f-81.htm (content warning but very funny)

©Christopher F. Brown 2009


Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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I offer my own unique voice, my own vision. I think the saying goes that writers write because no one else can say what they have to say quite the way they have to say it. That is why I write, that is what I offer.



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