The thoughts, reflections, rants, raves, on my life; The life of a Christian, black, gay, male.

Some of you may have known this in the years of knowing me, Some of you may have found this out on the news, but for the past Seven years my grandmother has been missing. She disappeared right before Christmas 2002. My family and I took this loss very hard and some family bonds have been especially strained because of that loss. We searched and searched but to no avail. My aunt even went as far as to go to most of the local news stations and ask them to help in the search. The television stations had promised her air time but the day before they were going to run the story all of the stations bumped the story. A pregnant woman by the name of Lacy Peterson had gone missing, ( this is in no way meant to disrespect to the Peterson family and friends). We found out that a missing young pregnant woman pulled in higher viewer ratings than a missing elderly black woman.

We continued to search and search still there were no leads. The open wounds and confusion did not ever go away but slowly we moved on and passed them.

Yesterday afternoon while I was spending time with my mother, sister, and nephew my aunt called us with the horrible news that she had found my grandmother's remains inside of the her house.

My grandmother was an extreme pack rat, she collected any and everything and for years we begged and pleaded with her to get rid of some of her things but she never did. She did not throw anything away and when she did it was a battle to get her to do so. Over the course of years after her disaperance my family took it upon themselves to don the task of cleaning out her house. When we first entered the house after her I was told that there were boxes and bags to the ceiling, and that was after boxes and bags were cleared away to even get in the door. This might have been why none of us or the police ever found her over the years.

My Grandmother was also a very handy, and self-reliant woman. She taught me ( my mother, aunts, uncles,) how to make many home made products( soap, lotion, shaving cream e.c.t.) like she did in her youth.

These past few days have been very trying and tough and I thank everyone whom has showed their concern. I also Thank KTVU news (channel 2) for doing a wonderful job in reporting the TRUE story of my grandmother and thank you Virgina Taylor for your kind words. I'm really ashamed of the story that KPIX news (channel 5) reported that made my grandmother out to be some blight upon the neighborhood and talking to that woman who wanted to keep identity secret, whom did not even know my grandmother and told all those horrible lies about her.

Again thank you to all of my friends that have shown concern. Thank you for your prayers and I ask you all to keep praying for me and my family.

thank you



Man I just came accross your blog and want to offer my condolences. You're grandmother deserved dignity and shame on the media for how they portrayed her.

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About this blog

I offer my own unique voice, my own vision. I think the saying goes that writers write because no one else can say what they have to say quite the way they have to say it. That is why I write, that is what I offer.



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